Digital Services and Products Portfolio

There’s nothing better than overseeing the development, management, and improvement of digital offerings, ensuring they are based on R&D and meet customer needs and align with business goals.

Credentify – Pioneering open platform for micro-credentials as NFT tokens 

First-of-a-kind decentralized micro-credentials clearinghouse allowing safe transfer of millions of micro-credentials as smaller units summing up into ECTS credits using an open source protocol that translated one-of-a-kind digital or real-world assets, like educational credentials, into non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Translexy – Pioneering open translation service for educational content run on Neural Machine Translation Models

Before LLMs were all the rage, I worked on Translexy, a machine translation service with an API that enabled you to translate your content. It was integrated into MOOC platforms and video repositories to create new educational experiences.

X5learn – Pioneering Human Centered AI Powered Platform

Aimed at supporting access to free online open educational resources with novel educational recommender system that integrates multiple engagement drivers including resource quality, novelty, and learner knowledge and interests with ethical considerations.

VideoLectures.Net – Pioneering open science video platform

First-of-a-kind online video portal making freely available 25.000 lectures from workshops, conferences, tutorials from all over the world. It used ML for translations and transcriptions and recommendations.